

Pink Pitaya Ice Cream Recipe

21st Apr 2022

Pink Pitaya Dragon Fruit Ice Cream RecipeThe vibrant colour of dragon fruit always puts me in a good mood

​Five Nootropics for Neurological Nourishment

23rd Feb 2021

Silicon Valley Executives take them to enhance their cognitive abilities, chess players to improve their performance, and students for better focus, memory and learning capabilities. But what exactly … read more

Lion's Mane Chocolate Fudge Pop-Tarts

9th Nov 2020

Who remembers pleading with your parents before school if, instead of a really healthy breakfast, you could have a pop tart instead? And even if they said no you'd bung them in the toaster anyway when … read more

Chaga chocolate orange brownies

5th Nov 2020

These Paleo and vegan Chocolate Orange Chaga Brownies harness all of the magical powers of the medicinal Chaga mushroom without skimping on taste.Prep Time: 25 minsCook Time: 25 minsTotal Time: 50 min … read more

Adaptogenic Banana Bread Recipe

24th Oct 2020

This delicious banana bread is vegan friendly and created with tonic herbs and mushrooms to upgrade it to the next level.Perfect for the autumn and winter evenings. Let us know how you get on with it. … read more